West of The RockiesWest of The RockiesJoin this group
video BY ON September 27 - 0 COMMENTS
Backcountry Posted in
Blue lining border wars: Video from a trip into the backcountry. Go to www.oursportingheritage.org to read Tom Reed's blog post about it.
blog BY ON September 27 - 0 COMMENTS
Two natives, two friends, two streams Posted in
by Tom Reed
New country and old friends. A foundation, a beginning. An idea. Each year wed each pick a stream on our borders, a thin blue line of water splashing from high mountain hold in country without roads, and few trails. If it were easy, we thought, anybody could do it and the fishing... [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY ON September 26 - 0 COMMENTS
Philosophy of the sporting life: A meditation on why. Posted in
Editor's note: This is part of an ongoing series by members of TU's Sportsmen's Conservation Project. For more, visit www.oursportingheritage.org, a site dedicated to protecting our backcountry resources.
There was a summer I spent as a wild child in the mountains of Iowa.
There are no mountains... [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY ON September 26 - 0 COMMENTS
Tis the Season of the Sportsman Posted in
The wind came up quite early this morning.
It rustled through the trees outside my window, gently thumping the blinds as it continued through the streets.
It was a subtle sign, but a sign nonetheless.
It’s fall.
We’ve been seeing small hints here lately – small twinges of gold in the... [ READ MORE... ]
video BY fish4budz ON November 28 - 0 COMMENTS
Cutthroat Canyon Posted in
Patrick and I hike down into an Idaho canyon mid october to find some late season cutthroat. I shot this short video during the process. Lots of white fish but the large cutties and rainbows were hard to find. luckily we found a couple hiding
video BY fish4budz ON September 17 - 0 COMMENTS
Tying a Black and Purple Steelhead Fly Posted in
This is a black and purple, again very basic, steelhead flies.
I see lots of very technical patterns out there, but i would like to start simple and see avoid stress.
This is tied with opal tinsel for body, chartues polar bear around the dumbell eyes for extra mass.black marabou, then white ostrich... [ READ MORE... ]
video BY fish4budz ON September 16 - 0 COMMENTS
CuttCreek2 Posted in
out with my homie pat and anna the dog gettin after some big cutties. starts off small and ends with some lunkers
video BY fish4budz ON September 15 - 0 COMMENTS
Tricos and Bluewinged Olives During Rainstorm Posted in
i had to creat a vimeo account to put this one up! there are too many fish for youtube to handle.
a large rainstorm came through while I was out fishing the other day. The tricos were out before and than after the storm the bwos started poppin. over all very awesome day fishing. landed a beauty... [ READ MORE... ]
video BY fish4budz ON September 14 - 0 COMMENTS
September Trico Posted in
september means tricos! here is trico parachute i tried up.
thread: charcoal 8/0
tail: micro fibbets
body: black dry fly dubbing
parachute: antron fibers, grey or what ever color you prefer. pink sometimes works well
hackle: miniature blue dun hackle
video BY fish4budz ON September 14 - 0 COMMENTS
Making a Bamboo Spey Rod Pt. 1 Posted in
here is part one of the rod i am currently making. its a 3 piece 12' spey rod. its only my 4th bamboo rod so well see how it turns out.
i didnt show the flattening or sanding portion, but thats very long slow process. i will show that some other time.
look for part 2 soon when i taper the... [ READ MORE... ]