Old Bill's Fun Run 2019 - Join Us in Conserving, Protecting, and Restoring the Snake River Headwaters

Collaborative, innovative, solution-oriented, trusted, patient. Phase 2 of the Spread Creek Fish Passage Project builds upon a conservation vision for this freestone Snake River tributary embarked on in 2010 by TU and partners to reconnect over 50 miles of habitat for native Snake River cutthroat trout. Today, through our Snake River Headwaters Initiative, we are working alongside partners and irrigators to ensure that the final phase of this project is a success for fish, land managers, and water users alike. Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited is honored to once again be participating in Old Bill’s Fun Run (this Saturday, September 7th!), which enables us to provide crucial seed funding for projects like Spread Creek and leverage grant funding (typically at a ratio of 15:1 or better) to bring them to completion.
Thanks to this community’s incredible support of our coldwater fisheries, since launching the Snake River Headwaters Initiative in 2016, we have successfully restored 4.5 miles of habitat and reconnected 5 miles of stream for native cutthroat trout. We are supporting 10 active projects slated for completion in the next two years that will remove migration barriers and improve spawning and rearing habitat for trout throughout the Upper Snake and Salt River watersheds – investing over $3 million dollars of state, federal, NGO, foundation, and private funding into improving our treasured home waters. In addition, we continue to educate the next generation of coldwater conservation stewards about fisheries, water quality, and watersheds through our Jackson Adopt-a-Trout program, and engage community members by offering more ways to get involved with our on-the-ground work. 

Please consider a gift to Trout Unlimited – Jackson Hole to continue to build on this momentum and support your local chapter’s other new and exciting efforts. For more information, visit jacksonhole.tu.org.


the JHTU board